Expat Sandwich features an eclectic mix of American expats who share stories of the best, weirdest and worst experiences of living abroad. We strive to reveal lesser known cultural oddities such as the "American yes and the French no" (Episode 001) memorable language mishaps, and a few reality checks such as visas or the sometimes mind-boggling complications of simply getting internet installed. And yeah, we keep it real. It's definitely not all glamour.
Expat Sandwich is created and hosted by Marty Walker, produced in a makeshift recording studio in her walk-in closet in Dallas, Texas. So why would someone who spent a lifetime immersed in visual art and zero experience in journalism want to create a podcast about expats? In her words: Travel abroad is kind of like an out of body experience--it allows you to return to your native land with fresh eyes. I'm obsessed with the cultural collisions that happen when faced with a new environment and a shaky grasp of language. It's uniquely humbling.
If you like what we are doing, we'd love it if you can leave a short review on iTunes (learn how here.) We are a completely independent production, which takes hundreds of hours a month to produce and create awareness. Funding comes from our loyal and generous listeners like you. If you'd like to support our efforts, you can make a one-time donation or a recurring donation here. You can cancel at any time.
Want to sponsor a show? We love collaborating. Send an email to expatsandwich[at]gmail[dot]com
“One thing about which fish know exactly nothing is water, since they have no anti-environment which would enable them to perceive the element they live in.”
— Marshall McCluhan, War and Peace in the Global Village